Serving our community for over 7 years.

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07 4952 4929
160 Boundary Rd Ooralea QLD 4740
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Public Holidays


The GPs consulting at Family Health Care Mackay Ooralea privately bill patients and a range of fees apply, including discounted fees for pensioners and health care card holders.

CLICK HERE to view the current fee list.

Fees are always payable at the time of consultation and we accept cash, cheque, credit cards (Visa, Mastercard) and Eftpos. Our Practice is happy to lodge your receipt to Medicare via “HIC on line” in which Medicare will deposit your rebate back into your designated account within 72 hours. You will require a card with a savings or cheque account attached or have your bank account details registered with Medicare – and we will do the rest. You will not need to go to Medicare for your refund.

The most commonly charged fees are on display in our waiting room. If you have any concerns with paying our fees, please discuss with your Doctor or the Practice Manager.

You may request your medical records be transferred to an alternate GP. A fee may apply. Please contact us directly for details.

After Hours

If you want to see an after hours GP, you can still see a GP in your own home. We recommend calling: Hello Home Doctor – this is 100% Bulk Billing for DVA or Medicare card holders.

Phone: 13 41 00 for Hello Home Doctor. 

Otherwise, the Doctors at Family Health Care Mackay Group are happy to see you during normal opening hours for all other appointments.

Urgent after hours assistance is available at the Emergency Department at Mackay Base Public Hospital. There is also the Mater Emergency After Hours Service located on Willets Road, North Mackay. This is a walk-in service only and fees apply.

In a medical emergency, please call 000 and ask for an ambulance.